Demo Blog

Introspect a while and ask yourself this question. Can you feel your true source of happiness? Circumstances are only shifting sands and will always change. Look at everything that exists outside as just another circumstance: your relationships, home and possessions, even your loved ones. Are you looking for any of these to complete your happiness? You will be disappointed. The more we try to construct on the outside, the more miserable we become, as there is only impermanence on the surface.

Being happy is truly a natural state. It is normal and doesn’t need any add-ons. We only have to live in an atmosphere of inner and outer harmony and equilibrium. It is our birthright. It requires effort to annul our conditioning and innate ignorance, factors which reinforce our misery. We have to penetrate the folds of our nature to reach the Divine. It is hard work getting back to our source. But we must try. Experience shows that, on the Sunlit Path, surrender will remove every obstacle along the way. In Integral Yoga, one never dwells on difficulties but invokes all one’s strengths. We are all divine in essence, after all. For this work, aspiration is needed, and a joy intervenes as the practice and work unfold. Happiness is always progressive: the more you engage in a true way of living, the happier you will become.

Look for the permanencein your life. What is permanent? Your own truth, for one thing. Your reality is lodged inside and realising it is the authentic aim of all life. This is the immortal in you. Set this as your goal in life and move towards it and you will be happy. Love is also permanent but can only blossom in an atmosphere of truth. No condition gets more distorted by humanity than love. It does not reside in exclusive relationships or attachments, but true love is, in Sri Aurobindo’s words, “a self-existent power of the Divine”. It does not require any other justification for its presence. So, climb through the gradations to the love that exists beyond all bartering and exchange. You will find fulfilment in this process. Once we begin to love solelyfor the sake of loving, we enter the threshold of a sustained and sublime happiness. Love is a vibration that should be preserved and nurtured; it needs only to be lived. One becomes what one identifies with, so identify with love and you will reach the pinnacle of happiness.


However, never searchfor happiness. If you are doing that, you are taking the wrong path. Happiness is but a means to an end: an inevitable by-product of living our truth. You have only to become a flaming brazier for progress and you will be happy. Collaborate in the divine work of transformation and you will attain a supreme felicity. Be selfless enough to offer yourself as a crucible for the future of humanity and you will never have to look outside again for happiness. Your happiness will reach a new pitch as you move into new realms of the supreme Ananda. Give yourself entirely to this work and you will reach an unbounded state of delight, because this is only what you truly are.

The writer is the coordinating editor of NAMAH, the Journal of Integral Health, published from Puducherry.

Alia Noor

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium,Vestibulum eu turpis risus. Nullam fringilla diam tellus, eu volutpat massa ullamcorper non. Nullam lorem felis, sollicitudin vitae semper sit amet, facilisis sit amet lacus. Suspendisse ut ligula varius, dignissim velit sit amet, maximus est. Etiam nec mauris augue. Ut viverra tortor orci, ac ultricies magna molestie ut

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Demo Blog

Introspect a while and ask yourself this question. Can you feel your true source of happiness? Circumstances are only shifting sands and will always change. Look at everything that exists outside a

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(03) Comments
  • client_img1

    We denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire that the cannot foresee the pain and trouble that.

  • client_img3

    We denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire that the cannot foresee the pain and trouble that.

  • client_img2

    We denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire that the cannot foresee the pain and trouble that.

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